For the Second Year in a Row, International Contemporary Ceramic Art Symposium “LANDescape | CERAMIC LABORATORY” will Take Place in Daugavpils

The society „Daugavpils Clay Art Centr” and Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre invite to attend International Ceramic Art Symposium „LANDescape I CERAMIC LABORATORY” events which will be held in Daugavpils, from August 11 to August 25, 2014.

In Rothko Centre the ceramic symposium is held for the second time and this year its title is amended by additional part „CERAMIC LABORATORY” that presumes participation of 16 artists from 10 states (namely Latvia, Belarus, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Romania, Turkey, Georgia and Pakistan) to create together some sort of laboratory where they can make experiments and share their experience about different ceramic firing technologies.

On August 12, at 4.00 PM, we invite you to attend an opening exhibition of the symposium where the clay „signature” of each participant will be displayed. The works of the artists will be like the first meeting, the evidence of personal signature, world-view and unique molding technique. The next two weeks, along with intensive and creative work of participants of the symposium several open events will take place in a new-built Ceramic Laboratory (in Daugavpils fortress) where each and every interested individual is welcome to attend.

In the framework of International Ceramic Art Symposium from August 20 to August 23, 2014, Festival of Experimental Firing Technologies will be held in which the artists will share their experience about usage of different ceramic techniques by giving theoretical lectures, practice and workshops.

Here you can find the Programme of Symposium

Sponsors of the event: bank „Nordea”, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, State Culture Capital Foundation, Latgale Region Development Agency, VAS „Latvijas Valsts meži”, SIA „LDZ ritošā sastāva serviss”, SIA „Axon’ Cable”, society „Baltic Raku”, SIA „Prike Latvija”, SIA „Caparol Baltica”, AS Aldaris. 

Attēls: JANINA MYRONOVA / POLIJA.  No sērijas “Pilnība nepilnībā”. Šamots, augstā apdedzinājuma glazūra, dekoli, 2013.