X: PA/LIKIMAS is a project inviting artists to take an artistic look at the history of the centenary of Lithuanian independence – to explore its development and underline the key moments of this period, that is, to identify and highlight the historical events, dates and achievements of Lithuania, which constitute our legacy and by their significance today determine our destiny – to be free and independent.

X: PA/LIKIMAS is a continuous project inviting artists from different areas to work in pairs with a single piece of art, thus seeking new artistic expression and experience in the artwork. The first project X: Critical Limit from 2016 was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy. Ten out of 15 invited artists from Panevėžys agreed to participate and work in pairs, others worked individually. The result exceeded all expectations – the project drew the attention of the general public and the artistic community. The entire collection of the project was donated to the city of Panevėžys.

Eighteen duets of famous artists from Panevėžys and other Lithuanian cities are participating in the project this year. This time, all creators (painters, graphic artists, photographers, ceramicists, sculptors, metalworkers and glass artists) will work in pairs. By sharing a wide range of experiences, schools and techniques, even combining completely different materials and finding compromise between themselves as creators and different means of expression, artists acquire new creative experiences that can then affect their personal creativity, expression and style, at the same time extending their artistic horizons, both in terms of materialism and worldview. By offering PA/LIKIMO topic, the organisers invite artists to take a closer look into the topical issues of today’s inheritance – the legacy of the Soviet system, the emigration of the young, the country’s cultural, artistic and creative heritage. Nevertheless, creators are given full freedom to interpret the topic. The works are donated to the city of Panevėžys and will add to the already started collection for the newly created Arts Centre. In 2018, the collection X: PA/LIKIMAS will be demonstrated in the prestigious galleries of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre (Daugavpils, Latvia), which is the Latvian partner of Panevėžys.

Albinas Vološkevičius, project curator