Inese Lieckalniņa The Sound of Silence


Inese Lieckalniņa

The Sound of Silence

Inese Lieckalniņa was born in 1954. She has studied art at Riga secondary school of Applied Arts (1970-1974) and at the Art Academy of Latvia (1974-1980). She is an active member of the society Graphic Art Chamber, graphic and stained-glass artist, and a participant of many graphic art exhibitions in Latvia and abroad. She has also organized several solo exhibitions.

Her works invite to leave haste behind, because each of us has somebody else near us – a person alive who has a unique soul, an inimitable vision of world, live feelings and one’s own wind! Inese Lieckalniņa speaks about the emotional isolations of today’s human, about estrangement and impersonality in the interpersonal communication.

Lithography as a technique of flat printing, though 217 years old, is still topical and used by graphic artists of all times and generations. In Latvia, too, lithography exists, and it has its own masters and graphic artists who choose this technique to create prints full of thoughts, feelings and strength of stone. The biggest lithography workshop in Latvia, which assembles both graphic artists working in lithography and artists of other media, is the society Graphic Art Chamber. The aim of Inese Lieckalniņa and the society Graphic Art Chamber is to focus greater attention on the medium of graphic art and on lithography as a unique graphic technique in the space of Latvian art.