Gundega Strautmane Love infinity

Gundega Strautmane

Love infinity


Gundega Strautmane has studied textile art at the Experimental Textile Design Institute in Berlin Art University, the Art Academy of Latvia and Riga Technical University. She carries out textile projects in disciplines of art experimental design. In her art projects Gundega makes use of the Braille code and creates works which are perceivable for both the viewers with good eyesight and also visually impaired people.

Though works created by Gundega Strautmane may be considered as modernization of traditions, the ornament in them appears in a peculiar way, essentially differing from the traditions. The artist has employed Braille and transcribed in it phrases from Christian prayers, writing these phrases with the help of tangible beads. These clusters of bead signs are arranged in a symmetrical rhythm,   both repeating the prayer text and creating an impressive decorative ornament. In the result, these works illustrate a classical move during which a somersault has been even done: first of all, the text has been made a three-dimensional physical structure. It can be read and its content is perceivable by touch only; repetitions and the ornamental arrangement of repetition clusters provide not only a literary but also a sensual-esthetic experience.

Art critic: Iliana Veinberga