The exhibition is the result of the project implemented by the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre and “Saules skola”, Daugavpils Secondary School of Design and Art. The aim of the project is to encourage youth participation in the formation of Latgale’s culture, as well as the development of their civic awareness and sense of belonging.

The idea was to create innovative works of art, where the work process is based on youth creativity and enterprisingness for recovery and adaptation of materials for people with visual impairments. Young people created a unique tactile contemporary art works that contribute to the Latgale’s cultural accessibility for everyone.

In order to encourage young people’s creativity and sense of belonging to their region, country and the project that forms Latgale’s culture, young people explored their sense of belonging to Latgale and the way how and what they see and feel in Latgale.

How Latgale’s environment, culture and society looks like in Latvia? Being aware of what is Latgale inside Latvia, young people created contemporary tactile art works that depicted their own tactile Latgale and Latvia.

Any local activity represents a belonging to a place, and each place forms jointly united country. By creation of new works of art during the project these young people contributed to the development of a true spirit of enterprising and formation of creative thinking. With every single creative and innovative idea the youngsters showed their belonging to the region and state.

 Project implemented with the financial support of Latgale Region Development Agency, State Culture Capital Foundation and the Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests” 
