Eva Harut – an artist, a writer, a journalist, an author of several documentary films. Born in Gyumri (Armenia). Studied art in the State Academy of Fine Arts in Yerevan (Armenia). Currently lives and works in Dresden (Germany).

For over 5 years, the artist is exploring the theme of reality. It all began with a sociological survey targeted at the topic: “What is reality?” Eva started to think about what constitutes us and our reality, where the “real” starts? Every day she has been observing development of society and art. The artist is concerned about social status and rights of a modern woman. All these reflections are shown in her works. She also deals in her works with issues of interaction between her consciousness and subconsciousness. The artist is greatly interested in reality of human unconsciousness, which is, in her view, more real than the reality of consciousness.

Works displayed at the exhibition “Reality” reflect pieces of the artist’s life story: bright and monotonous, emotional and calm ones. One can perceive in these works Eva’s dreams and experiences, her feelings and wishes. Each painting is like an individual. She overlays acrylic paints on top of each other to form multi-colour layers, while sometimes she uses monotonous coats, symbolizing a life course, with all of its developments and circumstances. Images that appear in her works are as elusive as the reality itself; they are just feelings, ghosts balancing between the visible and the invisible.

The exhibition is supplemented by three psychological short-length films. They are the artist’s experiments to encourage viewers to think about reaching goals of their lives.

Eva Harut has participated in many international workshops and biennials, including at the International Plein Air in Daugavpils “Mark Rothko – 2012”. Her paintings are in private collections in the USA, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, the United Kingdom, etc.

Valentīna Smertjeva