
Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center is organizing international annual event – artists’ residences “Mark Rothko 2013”, which is taking place in between September 6 – 26. For the first time in 9 years, the Residences will be held within new Art Center, featured by various celebrations in the honor of Mark’s Rothko 110th anniversary. Applications for …

Young school museum’s activists of the 3rd secondary school  were visiting Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center today, during the project week. One of the creators of the idea’s about the foundation and curator of exposition Farida Zaletilo introduced the guys to the history of foundation and art-center’s plans. After detailed explanation, young people have admitted, that hardly can …

The exhibition of Solomon Gershov is taking place in the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center starting from April 24, 2013, the official opening day. Tamara Fedotova, the artist’s widow and her private collection’s curator Irina Mamonova are visiting Daugavpils with the purpose of arranging that significant event. Solomon Gershov, who was learning from Mark Shagal and Kazimir Malevich, …

Dyllwyn Smith, a famous British artist, is visiting Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre. In collaboration with our team members Dyllwin is working on his personal exhibition, which is taking place in the second half of this year in DMRAC. Dyllwyn Smith was participating in Rothko Plein Air in 2012. His bright conceptional works are featured …

1. Vispārīgā Informācija: 1.1. Konkursu organizē Daugavpils Rotko mākslas centrs un Daugavpils pilsētas kultūras pārvalde. 1.2. Konkursa mērķis ir izstrādāt Daugavpils Rotko mākslas centra simboliku (tekstā turpmāk – logo), lai izveidotu centra vienotu vizuālo tēlu