9th International Art Residence „Mark Rothko 2013” – artists from 9 countries and many events dedicated to Rothko’s 110th anniversary

International residence which will take place in Daugavpils from 6th September till 25th September 2013 will traditionally close on Mark Rothko’s birthday.

September 6 (Riga) after meeting the artists at the International Airport „Rīga”, the residence will be announced in Riga with two events.  At 16:00 in the premises of Latvian National Library, Kr.Barona street 14, Riga, there will be the opening of exhibition „Mark Rothko and American Abstract Expressionism” with three artists’ big format reproductions and books about Mark Rothko and American abstract expressionists from Latvian National Library and DMRAC Library collection. Whereas, at 17:00 we invite to meet at the opening of the exhibition in European house, Aspazija boulevard 28. At the event it will be possible to meet participants of the residence.

September 7 (Daugavpils, DMRAC) at 16:00 the official opening of the residence, where in the yard of Rothko Centre in free atmosphere there will take place meeting with all participants of the residence, parties involved in residence organization and everyone interested. For all participants of  the opening event there will be free entry to B Sector where at the moment is exhibited Dillwyn Smith’s (well known British artist who participated in the Plain Air 2012) exhibition „Windows”, selection of works from previous Plain Airs and the exhibition of International Ceramic Art Symposium „Landescape. Foreword”.

September 9 at 11:00 (Daugavpils, DMRAC) we invite the press representatives to a creative press conference „Coffee with artists”. At 12:00 in the fortress military hospital building will be made installations together with the participants of festival/workshop „Space Daugavpils”.

September 13 at 13:00 and 18:00 (Riga, Esplanade) presentation of Daugavpils and Rothko Centre performance, introducing itself as a participant of Rīga 2014.

September 17 from 16:00 till 19:00 (Daugavpils, DMRAC) „Informal Gallery”, where artists – participants of the residence will present their creative activity and discuss the processes of contemporary painting with Daugavpils and regional artists.

Everyone will be able to look into the working process of the residence artists on 21st of September from 14:00 till 16:00 (Daugavpils, DMRAC).

September 21- 23 (Daugavpils, DMRAC) master classes of the artist Dillwyn Smith.

September 23 from 17:00 till 19:00 (Daugavpils, DMRAC) meeting with Isy Morgensztern , doctor of philosophy and Paris University professor, author and director of many films, who worked with the TV channel Arte for many years. During the meeting it will be possible to watch her film „Mark Rothko, abstract humanist” and talk to the director.  

September 24 (Daugavpils City Council) from 14:00 till 16:00 „Readings of Rothko”. Main speakers of the event – Peter Murray, Executive director of Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Isy Morgensztern, doctor of philosophy, Paris University professor and film director.  

On 25th of September Rothko’s 110th birthday celebration!

(Daugavpils, DMRAC)

From 12:00 and throughout the day stamping of postage stamps dedicated to Rothko, issued by Latvian Post in collaboration with DMRAC, of 60 santims value. Artist of postage stamps – Līga Čible.

16:00 Opening of the residence exhibition „Mark Rothko 2013”.

17:00 Concert of English improvised music collective AMM in collaboration with the Festival “Sound Forest” in Rothko Centre Concert Hall.

19:00 Culmination surprise of the event!