
In July 2016, Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will hold the 1st edition of the Latvia International Ceramics Biennale. More than 10 contemporary ceramics exhibitions, as well as master-classes and performances by National and International artists will be organized during the event. The 9th International Scientific Conference PERSON.COLOR.NATURE.MUSIC, as well as International Ceramic Art Symposium …

Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre is thrilled to announce a very special event – an arrival of much-awaited new original works of Mark Rothko which will be presented for all art lovers as from 24 April 2016! The originals of the world-famous painter as well as a number of domestic and international exhibitions will be …

On June 4 in the framework of Daugavpils city festival for the first time the Art Night “Daugavpils is Art” will be organised in Daugavpils Fortress.  During the Art Night a series of art activities from 22:00 to 1:00 will take place in Daugavpils Fortress. In order to see the magic and secrets of the …

In frames of Daugavpils Rothko Art Centre residency program of 2016, we are announcing open call for artists to participate in international art symposiums in photography, ceramics, painting, textile and graphic art. Application for participation in the symposiums must be send until 7 March, 2016. Information about all symposiums and application process are available here: …

From December 8, 2015 in the Research Hall (Sector A) of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will be displayed new exposition devoted to the artist Mark Rothko. The new exposition will replace the previously shown exhibition “ROTHKO MEMORIAL PORTFOLIO” which consisted of 13 renowned British artists’ graphic artwork collection.

Isy Morgensztern. Lecture in Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center   26th October 2015 at 12.00. Title : Mark Rothko and the question of the Prohibition of Representation The astonishment before the inexhaustible but fragile multiplicity of the living forms which make this world an always disconcerting, prolific, and enigmatic reality has evoked, since the most …

From August 17 to 30, the International Ceramic Art Symposium CERAMIC LABORATORY will be held in Daugavpils, with 18 artists from Latvia, Ukraine, Rumania, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Spain Finland, and Poland participating in it. It is the third time already that Daugavpils Mark Rothko Centre and the society “Daugavpils Clay Art Centre” assemble prominent contemporary …

Manuel Schroeder (Berlin, Germany) offers 3-day workshop “Order as social form – Leftovers and Landmarks ” for art and photography students from June 3 till June 6, 2015. Workshop will take a part at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center. All participants will get a certificate after the workshop. Participants have to bring in their own photo …