The Christmas season is a time for reflection, a time for putting minds and lives in order. It’s a period when we review our experiences, emotions and achievements of the past year and mentally return to the precious moments when we’ve been able to extend or receive a helping hand in times of need.


The past year has been a time of trials and challenges for people and institutions the world over, and the Rothko Centre was no exception. We’ve had to reschedule some of our exhibitions and events, some others needed to be substantially altered or cancelled altogether. Some goals have been postponed, our activity restructured. We’ve been temporarily closed and then reopened several times over.


And yet, as we look back on all the things that we’ve achieved, we’re pleased to see there’s quite a few of them – we’ve managed to organize 5 international symposia and curate over 50 exhibition projects, large and small, presented on our own premises as well as in other art spaces, both domestic and international.


Although the reception of more distant guests has been limited, the ability of art projects to overcome geographical barriers has endured, enabling our viewers to enjoy creative outputs from Europe and the United States, as well as China and Japan. At the same time, we could give more attention to domestic artists who are both numerous and perfectly competitive, their creations reaching the highest quality standard. Besides, in the summer months, our spirits were lifted by a substantial flow of domestic and international tourists, especially from Latvia’s neighboring countries, which boosted the outreach and sustainability of our art projects.


It’s impossible to predict what the next year will bring, but we remain hopeful it will be at least no less eventful than the past one – rich in substance and emotion, brightened by sweet moments of reunion with our friends, enriched by openness and new experiences.


As we look forward to welcoming you again or going out to visit you at your place, we wish to thank you for your input and support this past year.


Keep well and stay cheerful, and may the New Year bring you the joy of reunion with your friends and loved ones and fulfil your dearest hopes and dreams.


Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.


Image: work of Walter Auer (Italy) form Rothko Centres ceramics collection.