Today, on June 16, the exhibition „Peteris Martinsons. Porcelain Drawings” has been opened in Daugavpils Park Hotel Latgola to commemorate Peteris Martinsons, the greatest Latvian ceramist, and to introduce the events of the 1st Latvia International Ceramics Biennale.

The 1st Latvia International Ceramics Biennale will begin with July 15, 2016, with an opening of ‘Martinsons Award’ exhibition and the exhibition of Daugavpils ceramists ‘Welcome to Daugavpils’ at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre. 298 outstanding applications from artists form 44 countries had been received for the ‘MARTINSONS AWARD’ exhibition. The International Jury represented by Elaine O. Henry (USA), Bernd Pfannkuche (Germany), Sirin Kocak Ozeskici (Turkey), Jane Jermyn (Ireland), Simcha Even-Chen (Israel), Ilona Romule (Latvia), and Valentins Petjko (Latvia) has selected 110 artworks by International artists and 26 artworks by National artists to participate in the exhibitions (SELECTED ARTISTS). After the opening ceremony, ‘The White Cube’, a 24-hour performance by Israeli artists Roy Maayan and Erez Maayan will start in front of the Art Centre.

On July 17, the participants and guests of the Biennale are welcome to the opening of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre’s Contemporary Ceramics Collection exhibition in Lūznava manor, Rezekne district. In July 18-19, the 9th International Scientific Conference PERSON. COLOR. NATURE. MUSIC will take place in the Rothko Centre within the Biennale events programme and will be dedicated to ceramics, arts and other related topics. The porcelain exhibition by Latvian artist Eleonora Pastare, and the exhibition by students of Latvian Children Art School ‘Birds’ will be opened in frames of the Conference.

In July 20-21, the Biennale events will move to Riga, the capital of Latvia. The exhibition ‘Ceramics of Ķīpsala’, showing the rise of Latvian professional ceramics of the 20th century, will be opened in Riga Technical University Exhibition Hall in Ķīpsala. The exhibition ‘Latvian Contemporary Ceramics’, representing 6 most outstanding ceramic artists of Latvia, will be opened in the Gallery of Artists’ Union of Latvia. On July 21, the exhibition of artworks by the Biennale Jury members will take place in EU House along with a press-conference.

The opening of the exhibition of Peteris Martinsons’ artworks and the 1st Latvia International Ceramics Biennale Award Ceremony will take place on July 21 at the National Library of Latvia.