Workshop “Order as social form” for artists and art/photography students

Manuel Schroeder (artist/Germany) offers workshop “Order as social form” for artists and art/photography students in May 20-23, 2014 in cooperation with Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre and Daugavpils University/Faculty of Music and Arts. Workshop will take a part in Daugavpils University and Rothko Centre.

Short introduction from the Artist about the workshop’s main focus:

Regarding the different appearances of daily life, the main aspect of this lecture/seminar is a visual research on the “landmarks”, made by city residents in their subtile and obvious facettes. 

(Re-)arranging, creating and composing the urban space is based on individual and public habits, mostly directed by personal needs and intentions. The results are subtile and sustainable changes of the city architecture and public spaces. 

Order as social form” is a current part of Manuel Schroeder’s lectures in “social photography”, a field of research I’m realizing with universities, schools, art associations and museums since 2006.

Information about the Artist:

Manuel Schroeder (*1962) is working as photographer and artist in different fields of audiovisual and crossmedial projects. Inspired by appearances of the urban daily life in context of the urban architecture his creative research is transforming humanistic aspects into artwork and art concepts. Based on photography, his artwork is realized in different and developed ways of media, like straight photography, motion pictures, video art, projections in public spaces, printed media, (de)collage and paintings. Through exhibitions, art forums, public interventions, symposiums and lectures, Manuel Schroeder is international cooperating with art associations, Museums, galleries, academies and schools.