On Thursday, September 18, at 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM in Ziedonis Hall of National Library of Latvia the film lecture about Mark Rothko will be held. Moreover, starting from September 18 in the arts reading room (National Library of Latvia) exhibition of books “Printed Rothko” will be displayed. These both events are the part of the project “From Riga to Daugavpils by Train” which is held in the framework of programme of European Capital of Culture and devoted to the 111th birthday of the artist Mark Rothko.

On September 18 at 4:00 PM the visitors will have a chance to watch Izy Morgensztern’s documentary film “Mark Rothko – an abstract humanist”  but at 6:00 PM – Simon Schama’s “The Power of Art. Rothko”. Both films are about different aspect of the artist’s creative work. Simon Schama’s film reveals peculiarities of Rothko’s creative work. Izy Morgensztern’s documentary  retraces his life and presents his work including the many paintings that came before and after his abstract period, which is referred to as his “classical” period. A major figure in art who, like Turner before him, attempted to paint”…nothing and very like”. 

Maris Chachka, Deputy of the Head of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, wil make an introductory speech before each movie. The films are in English with the subtitles in Latvian. Free entrance.

From September 18 to September 27 in the arts reading room of Arts and Music Centre (National Library of Latvia) for the first time in Latvia the greatest number of the published  books about Mark Rothko will be seen. The collection is taken from National Library of Latvia and art collection of Mark Rothko in Daugavpils.

The exhibition “Printed Rothko” is an introduction to the two important events in Latvian book industry. On September 23 in Ziedonis Hall of National Library of Latvia the translation into Latvian of monography “Mark Rothko” written by Annie Cohen Solal will be presented, furthermore on September 25 in Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre the opening of the edition in Latvian of monography “Mark Rothko. Biography” by James E.B. Breslin will be held. Free entrance. The location of the exhibition: Mukusalas Street 3 (the Castle of Light), opening hours: in accordance with the work hours of National Library of Latvia