On 4th of August, at 4 pm, CERAMIC LABORATORY, the 5th International Ceramic Art Symposium will be opened in Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, accompanied with the CASPERVEK TRIO concert by Spanish musicians.
Already for the fifth year the Daugavpils Clay Art Centre and the Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre is holding International Ceramic Art Symposium that gathers artists from different parts of the world. Inspired by unique atmosphere of the Daugavpils Fortress, the participants of Symposium craft their artworks during two weeks of creative work. This year’s Symposium will result in a number of monumental outdoor ceramic sculptures that will afterwards enrich the scenery of the Daugavpils city. It is necessary to note that this year’s Ceramic Symposium will be held within frames of the 1st Latvia International Contemporary Ceramics Festival, which will include several exhibitions and various ceramic workshops. Moreover, visitors will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the field of ceramics, attending lecture and presentation program.
The Symposium will be attended by 23 artists from 9 countries: Marie-Josée Comello (Germany), Annakatrin Kraus (Germany/USA), Ray Chen (USA), Viviane Diehl (Brazil), Rosana Tagliari Bortolin (Brazil), Snježana Pokos-Vujec (Croatia), Jacob Meudt (USA), Dorothea Nold (Germany), Christina Bunk (Germany), Mārtiņš un Inga Pērkoni (Latvia), Jacomijn Steen (The Netherlands), Şirin Koçak Özeskici (Turkey), Ana Maria Asan (Romania/Belgium), Kemal Tizgöl (Turkey), Sencer Sari (Turkey), Lilija Zeiļa (Latvia), Nellija Dzalba (Latvia), Eleonora Pastare (Latvia), Una Gura (Latvia), Ilona Šauša (Latvia), Imants Klīdzējs (Latvia), Kaspars Geiduks (Latvija).
Symposium will be held from 4th to 18th of August 2017.
The program of the 1st Latvia International Contemporary Ceramics Festival will be soon available at www.rothkocenter.com and www.latviaceramicsbiennale.com.
The event is supported by - Daugavpils City Council, State Culture Capital Foundation, Latgale Region Development Agency, State Enterprise "Latvian State Forests", Latvijas Mobilais telefons Ltd., Valmiermuiža.
Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko Museum
Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko Museum
Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko Museum