Closing exhibition opening of the 8th International Ceramic Art Symposium

At 4 p.m. on 24 July, the closing exhibition of the 8th International Ceramic Art Symposium CERAMIC LABORATORY will be unveiled at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre.

For two weeks, ceramic artists from the Baltic States worked together in a joint symposium, where each interpreted the rich palette of opportunities afforded by the material. Freed from their day-to-day cares, urban frenzy and the many responsibilities associated with country life, the artists could soak up inspiration from the walls of Daugavpils Fortress, the scenic meanders of the River Daugava, the cultural environment of Latgale and the joy of being together at this rather unusual time.

Capturing the artists’ professionalism, sensuality and ideas, the exhibited artworks document the contemporary art scene and allow us to look back at 2020 as a time when the Eighth International Ceramic Art Symposium CERAMIC LABORATORY happened, against all odds.

Participants of the symposium: Harald Jegodzienski (Latvia), Monika Gedrimaitė (Lithuania), Agnė Šemberaitė (Lithuania), Olga Melehina (Latvia), Rūdis Pētersons (Latvia), Agnese Sunepa (Latvia), Ieva Jurka (Latvia), Laura Põld (Estonia), Lauri Kilusk (Estonia), Una Gura (Latvia), Lilija Zeiļa (Latvia), Eleonora Pastare (Latvia), Ilona Abdulajeva (Latvia), Nellija Dzalba (Latvia).

The exhibition is on display until 25 October 2020.

The event is financially supported by State Culture Capital Foundation, Daugavpils City Council, Caparol.