Lithography has always been a graphic arts technique which has offered me huge opportunites. The polished surface of white stone proposes a great deal to me. Before I go to work, I have to have a clear idea, because stone will tolerate no repairs. Each application of ink must be fresh and convincing.

I’m sure that lithography is the main way in which I can express my creativity, even though I have also produced book illustrations and water-colours.

Nature is the main subject for my work. I subject it to my thoughts and my imagination.

Over the course of time, I have often returned to subjects that I favour. These include carnivals, unusual forms of nature, water and caves.

As I arrange the black-and-white areas, I see the finished art in my imagination. That’s true even though, during the course of the work, I may change the rhythms of my lines, the black-and-white and gray areas, and the composition itself. I am no fan of accidents. Everything is dictated by the direction in which I am thinking.

Maija Dragūne

Maija Dragūne was born on March 19, 1945 in Riga. She received her professional education at J. Rozentals’ Riga Art High School and at the Art Academy of Latvia, Faculty of Graphic Arts, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Arts. Since 1973, Maija Dragūne is a member of the Latvian Artists’ Union, and since 1972, a member of The Chamber of Graphic Art. Since 1972, the artist has been actively participating in exhibitions – she has held 9 solo exhibitions in Latvia, and participated in group exhibitions, biennials and triennials in Latvia and abroad. Works by Maija Dragūne are present in collections of various Latvian museums, as well as in private collections in Latvia and abroad.