“LOST IN THE ARCHIVE” The Exhibition of Latvian Contemporary Art Center



The Exhibition of Latvian Contemporary Art Center

The exhibition “Lost in the Archive” is arranged on the basis of the data base and archive materials of Latvian Contemporary Art Center which is the most extensive information storage on the processes in Latvian contemporary art. In works displayed at the exhibition, the tandems of artists and curators deal with the archive as a significant potential of culture storage, treating it as a carrier of many-sided information which forms and reformulates the relationships with history as well as involves the viewer as an active user of the archive and art work.
The participants of the exhibition: Jānis Borgs and Laura Feldberga, Līga Lindenbauma and Kristaps Grundšteins, Aiga Dzalbe and Kristaps Epners, Ieva Epners, Baiba Legzdiņa, Haralds Mutulis and Ieva Saulīte. Curator of the exhibition – Andra Silapētere, scientist in art.
In the end of 2015 and in 2016, the exhibition “Lost in the Archive” organized by the Latvian Contemporary Art Centre will be seen in regional culture centers of Latvia. It will be supplemented by the educational program “Liela Lupa” (The Big Magnifying Glass).
The exhibition will be on view in DMRAC from October 15 till November 15, 2015.