Artist Inara Petrusevich has a unique gift to see poetry in everyday life. This gift allows her to convert trivial everyday scenes into mysteries, into a multi-coloured carnival, where the world surrounding us becomes an everlasting holiday. It does not matter what is portrayed: a table, a postman, a potty – everything is spiritualized, acquiring a new poetic ring. Fantasy intertwines with reality and becomes its organic part. As in a kid’s game, in which everything is possible – you can climb the sky on the wings of love or receive a gift from an angel in a form of an embroidered heart.

Inara paints everything that comes in the field of her vision and that captures her imagination. The feeling of ease that comes from her images speaks of the spontaneity of her hand. It seems that her canvases fly out from under her brush, like multi-coloured ribbons from a magician’s sleeve. It is this immediate impulse that captures you as a viewer – instantly. In no time you are trapped in this enchanting element. And, of course, the colour! It can be impudently frank or dreamily meditative: the tempting red, the mystical blue, the warm ochre-gold tones. Her playful colours contain the whole range of human feelings, but the most of all – about love – in all of its modulations: from gentle melancholy to the heat of passion.

At the same time, many works by Inara Petrusevich are narrative and with a plot, requiring not only contemplation, but also reading. Inara is the tale-teller who takes us to her kingdom, to the other side of the mirror. Fantasy and imagination seem to move the artist’s hand, making her create amazing images. Sometimes there is a feeling that the artist is shooting a movie on the canvas with unfolding plot showing the world turned upside down, but not in an adult-like gloomy manner, but full of fun. And let there will be more foolery and adventure!

Drawing is a special trait of her talent – elegant, virtuous and touching at the same time. They are countless and they are waiting for their time. This is how the child’s hand draws, with delightfully free moves, without thinking about the correctness of the image. They hold the abyss of charm and humour and a whole treasure of ideas!

Inara Petrusevich’s playful consciousness allowed her to retain the spontaneity of a childish vision and a cheerful worldview, which is lacking in our grown-up reality! Her humorous look combined with sparkling, like champagne, palette charges the space with the joy of being. This is why her works so rapidly disappear from her studio to raise the vitality of their new owners.

Farida Zaletilo