Another Spring – In Flood.

Every year we wait for the coming of spring, because it brings light, vigour and life. Every spring comes with a degree of flooding – in nature, in life and in whirlwind events. It seems that this year real floods have passed us by, but the floods of life and experience remain. Remain to make us think about the force of life, which we try to make sense of through poetry, painting and our own experiences.

When organizing the 6th artistic spring at the Rothko Centre, we invited artists from Latgale region to contemplate the topic of flooding and participate in a juried exhibition Another Spring – In Flood.

The exhibition showcases creative outputs of some of the region’s brightest and most dynamic artists, executed in different artistic media from 2016 through 2018.

The exhibition features works by the following artists from Latgale region: Agra Ritiņa, Aiva Žūriņa, Aivars Bulis, Aleksandra Šļahova, Alīna Petkune, Anastasija Bikova, Anatolijs Zelčs, Andris Ungurs, Anita Nikuļceva, Annele Slišāne, Baiba Priedīte, Daina Dzerkale, Diāna Apele, Edgars Vronskis, Eleonora Pastare, Elvīra Sprindžuka, Ēriks Volonts, Grieta Butjankova, Ilgvars Zalāns, Ilona Abdulajeva, Ilona Jepifanova, Ilona Linarte Ruža, Dace Pudāne, Ilze Griezāne, Ilze Fetjko, Ina Treliņa, Ināra Petruseviča, Inese Dembovska, Inga Salmiņa, Inga Vasiļjeva, Inguna Liepa, Ingūna Levša, Ivo Folkmanis, Jānis Plivda, Jeļena Ivancova, Jolanta Ābele, Karīna Korotkova, Ksenia Shinkovskaya, Lilija Zeiļa, Maija Bērziņa, Mairita Folkmane, Nataļja Marinoha, Nellija Dzalba, Oksana Vronska, Olga Fišere, Sanri, Silva Linarte, Svetlana Korkla, Uldis Čamans, Una Gura, Vija Stupāne, Viktorija Loktionova, Viktorija Valujeva, Voldemārs Kokorevičs.