Aija Meisters Pale Horses


Aija Meisters

Pale Horses

The artist Aija Meister was born in 1939 in Daugavpils at the time when Europe was ruled by confusion and, like several other world-famous Latvian artists, as a refugee Aija arrived in the USA. There she studied art at the University of Wisconsin, gaining Master’s degree in Arts, as well as visited Master Classes of the Polish-American abstract expressionist Jack Tworkov. Later, the artist drew experience and studied art in Europe. Aija Meisters is an excellent painter, sculptor and graphic artist. Her Artist Statement follows:

I am deeply concerned with the expressionistic quality in art. I want the color and paint, itself, to convey strength, vitality and emotion. I seek inspiration from personal experience, imagination and the vivid wonderland of dreams, which translate into personal vision, through which I hope to draw spectators into my world.

My art transcends reality by exploring the world of fantasy, dreams, visions and the shared human emotions dealing with fear, loneliness and isolation in an uncertain world. I have clouded childhood memories of a war that gave birth to Expressionism and has shaped my personal vision as an artist.”

Aija Meisters has participated in exhibitions in the USA, Europe, as well as in Latvia. She has also been awarded for her creative work. Her artworks are part of many public and private collections. Daugavpils Rothko Art Center offers a painting exhibition “Pale Horses” by Aija Meisters. The artworks of the exhibition symbolize Latvia and the artist’s memories of homeland, as well returning home through her works. The exhibition works will further supplement Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre collection. “Her painting creates a highly exciting impact. Particularly impressive is the combination of strength and poetry that characterizes her work. Other features equally noticeable are the richness of her color and the solidity of her composition.”