DMRAC opening’ process is heading with the full speed

Marion Kahan,  a manager of the Kate’s Rothko Prizel and Christopher’s Rothko collection, was visiting Daugavpils for the past few days. The visit has ended successfully. The main purpose of the visit was to make sure, that Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre, where six of Mark Rothko originals paintings are going to be located, meets all necessary international art museum standards. Exchanging Information and coordinating a series of questions took a long time during the organizing process of the visit. At the moment it is completely clear for us what exactly original paintings of Mark Rothko are going to be exposed in the DMRAC. The visit of Marion Kahan is just the one of many other steps, which must be done before the center’s opening on April 24th 2013.

The technical project of the DMRAC was developed by the local architectural bureau „ARHIS” in 2008. Renovation works were began in May 2011, and were completed in October 2012 by the local construction company “DITTON BUVE”. Saving the original historical project of the building and environment were among the biggest priorities during the process of renovation.

Right after the Centre’s opened, visitors are getting the full access to the Rothko Sector, which is including six original paintings of Mark Rothko, kindly given in a long-term loan by Rothko family , as well as: “Silent Room”, video hall, museum quality reproductions of Rothko paintings and digital exposition. In the Art Center’s Contemporary Arts Sector, the personal exhibition of Peter’s Griffin works is taking a place. “Arts Days of Latgale”- regional artists’ project is starting to work in the Project Sector of the Art Center. The exhibition of Solomon Gershov paintings and ceramic exhibition of Pēters Martinsons are exposing in the Local Expositional Sector.