Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center opening events on April 24 and 25!

In the presence of senior state  officials, Kate Rothko Prizel and Christopher Rothko, the world’s recognized experts of art, on 24th of April Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre will be opened.

On 25th of April the Center will open its doors for all visitors!

With the moment of Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center (DMRAC) opening, visitors will be able to see exhibitions and expositions’ area of more than 2000 sq. m. Exposition dedicated to Mark Rothko, exhibition of the Center Collection, Peter Griffin’s graphic works (UK), Solomon Gershov’s paintings (Russia), ceramics of Peteris Martinsons (Latvia) and exhibition of Latgale artists. All services of the Center- conference sector, residences program, café „Arsenal”, etc. will be available as well.

April 24 at 14:30 – discussion “Latvia-one of the stars. ROTHKO’S COMMING HOME: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES” organized in cooperation with the European Commission representation in Latvia. Vivid personalities and experts who will share their vision of Mark Rothko and the new Art Center are invited to participate in the discussion. Invited people only will be able to participate in the discussion in person, and it is planned that it will be able to watch live on the Internet – www.delfi.lv, www.esmaja.lv, www.rotkocentrs.lv, www.rotkocentre.com.

April 24 from 15:20 till 16:15 – workshop- open doors led by world famous Finnish accordionist Kimmo Pohjonen – that will take place at the stage in front of Rothko Center. Artist will speak, show and answer questions. Participation is free of charge for everyone interested, and it will be in the English language.

18.00 – opening ceremony in front of the Center, in collaboration with Daugavpils Theater and Daugavpils Chamber Orchestra, and DMRAC center visiting. Invited guests only will participate. It will be possible to watch the opening performance and speeches online- www.tv.daugavpils.lv, www.rotkocentrs.lv, www.rotkocetre.com .


20.30 – Concert of accordionist Kimmo Pohjonen (Finland) that will be a magnificent and impressive performance (in front of DMRAC). Concert will be a present for citizens and guests, entry free of charge.

April 25 from 10.00 till 17.00 there will be an opportunity for citizens and guests to see Art Center expositions for special Center opening prices.

April 25 – 27   Peter Griffin’s (UK) workshop at Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center.




Phone: 654 30274

E-mail: rotkocentrs@daugavpils.lv
