Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko Museum ›
Māksla Te! ar Sandru Krastiņu
Māksla Te! ar Sandru Krastiņu
Māksla Te! ar Sandru Krastiņu, izstādes “SVĀRSTĪBAS“ mākslinieci un kuratori. Izstāde apskatāma līdz 2023. gada 21. augustam
Let’s Talk Art! With Sandra Krastiņa, Artist and Curator of the ‘’FLUCTUATIONS” exhibition. The exhibition is on show thought 21/08
Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko Museum Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko Museum Daugavpils City Municipality Institution Rothko MuseumNews
- 07.11.2024 16:00 - 16:30Public event with French textile artist Sandrine Thiébaud Mathieu
- 27.09.2024 16:00The Mark Rothko 2024 symposium to close with an exhibition opening
- 20.09.2024 15:00PRESENTATIONS: the Mark Rothko 2024 painting symposium
- 18.07.2024 16:00International residency exhibition opening
- 16.07.2024 17:00Public presentations by the artists in residence