Magical Cycle of Transformations in Art Works of Kristina Huxley will Run until October 10




On August 31 at 4PM the opening of exhibition “Radiance and Afterglow” of Kristina Huxley – Irish painter and lecturer of the National College of Art and Design (Dublin) – will take place where the artist herself and the Irish ambassador in Latvia will participate.
Kristina Huxley uses original techniques. During the process of creation of unique heat-sensitive paintings, she employs sophisticated technical solutions, i.e. heat equipment affecting static canvas and transforming them into video. In order to completely enjoy all cycle of transformations, the spectator is suggested to spend longer time in the exhibition hall.
Kristina works with unique pigments produced only in Japan that make transformations of art works in front of the spectator’s eyes under the influence of heat, and also the view point and sight angle are changing. Depending on the spectator’s location in the exhibition hall, the colours of one and the same art work can change within the range from pearl-gray and golden green to wine-coloured.



Exhibition supported by Culture Ireland.