Starting  from July 17, 2015 in Daugavpils Mark  Rothko Art Centre  5 new exhibitions demonstrating the height  of nature, art and life will be seen.

In the middle of  summer  when everything blooms and matures the Rothko Art Centre invites to become acquainted with works of already recognised and mature artists of new exhibition season, as follows: Daina Dagnija. Woman’s Strenght and Independence; Bent Holstein (Denmark). FERWEH; Leonid Tugalev. Fotograf; Maria Maier(Germany). Blossom; Inese Abolina, Skaidrite Cihovska, Violeta Jatniece, Izabella Krolle, Kornelija Ozolina, Silvija Smidkena. ĶIPSALAS Ceramics.


The exhibition marks important periods of creative work of the artist, demonstrating both early work of Daina Dagnija,i.e., compositions  of Okinawa period  – colourful, lively, but at the same time symbolic characters observed in a specific atmosphere of Okinowa that describes her painting of the end of the 60s and beginning of the 70s,  and new works – full of woman’s  energy, power of Space and intelligence. Everything interchanges, intertwists,  longs, breaths, rushes, crashes, flows and vibrates revealing power of energy of the artist. The works of Daina Dagnija are glancing literally that encourage smiling and shining.

In picture: Daina Dagnija “Woman and Cow No.11”, 1985.


In the Rothko Centre there will be great opportunity to see work exhibition of one of the most popular Danish artists until now – Bent Holstein. In his works the artist depicts mainly nature inspired by his huge travel experience and revealing personal interpretation of nature elements. The artist has again and again making experiments with new materials and one of his newest art inventions is a mixture of painting and photography on aluminium.

In picture: Bent Holstein. Green Tide, 2014


Leonid  Tugalev is an old master  of photography of  Latvia. His creative work is  characterised by the presence of  human being. Classical black and white photography will attract the visitor with portraits of popular  artists,  writers  and other people connected with culture. In the exhibition „Fotograf” there will be  seen Peteris Martinsons, Imants Ziedonis, Janis Pauluks, etc.

In picture: photography of Leonid Tugalev


The exhibition combines  gentle sparkling of numerous colour patterns of flowers and photo collages and painting series where are abstract shapes of flowers.  However, the most important is that the uniqueness is  synthesised in extraordinary vision of the artist that commonly tries to depict urban motives but in this case nature is demonstrated by shapes and colours, as well as distinctiveness  of  nature’s cycles.

ĶIPSALA CERAMICS. Inese Abolina, Skaidrite Cihovska, Violeta Jatniece, Izabella Krolle, Kornelija Ozolina, Silvija Smidkena.

Ķipsala Ceramics – a phenomenon of Latvian culture and art of the second  part  of the 20th century that created many generations of ceramists and encouraged strengthening Latvian traditions of ceramics, as well as developed modern ceramics in Latvia. It is a bridge that connected traditional and professional ceramics taking the best from both, and  it was built by people, artists. In the exhibition the artists of our golden age participate who still work in ceramic  workshops in Ķipsala,  as well as organise exhibitions and take part in other art events.

In picture: works of  Kornelija Ozolina

The opening of all five exhibitions will be on July 17, 2015 in Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre. On the  next day, July 18, at 12.00 in the  Rothko Centre  will be meeting with the artist  Daina Dagnija where all interested persons will have  opportunity to learn more about  creative work of Daina Dagnija and visit the exhibition „Woman’s Strength and Independence”  together with the artists, as well as ask questions. Free entrance.

Exhibitions of Daina Dagnija, Bent Holstein and ceramists of Ķipsala will be available until September 15, but exhibitions of Leonid Tugalev  and Maria Maier – until August 15.