Ričardas Garbačiauskas MY OWN TERRITORIES

This exhibition comprises an array of recent works encompassing an important part of artistic expression, including that of music and fine arts, namely, correlation of space (the field of picture) and spot (as the object). This correlation arranges the rhythm, which, in its way, determines certain repetitions of the spots – or objects – to be compared to long and short musical notes. So the rhythm, which is absolutely everywhere, is an essential condition of the existence of our cosmic surroundings, our micro- and macro world. This position is the fundamental approach to the construction of works, which enables me to speak the language of extremely generalised, minimised, primitivistic forms and shapes. They are something like archaic signs, anonymous, yet interacting shapes of figures from the recent world. The constituent of picture colours is of no less importance in creating the emotional and aesthetical mood.

Ričardas Garbačiauskas



Ričardas Garbačiauskas was born on 17 October 1956 in Vilnius. In 1980, he graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts (former Vilnius Institute of Arts) as a professional painter and started his pedagogical career in Šiauliai University, where he currently works as a professor at the Department of Fine Arts. With painting and composition among his subjects, Garbačiauskas supervises en plein airs and graduation projects of bachelor and master students.

Garbačiauskas has held fifteen personal exhibitions both in Lithuania and abroad. In recent years, he took part in various art projects in Germany, Poland, and Latvia.

In 2009, Šiauliai Municipality awarded him the Painter of the Year Award for active participation in exhibitions and development of figurative painting.

Since 1992, Garbačiauskas is a member of Lithuanian Artists’ Association. Between 2009 and 2015, he chaired Šiauliai Artists’ Association. Since 2002, Garbačiauskas is a member of Lions Clubs International, Šiauliai Alka Lions Club.