13th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium. Work in Progress
Take a glimpse into the creative process at the 13th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium! A warm thank you to the artists for welcoming us into their studios, with special thanks to Sirkku Ketola (Finland) for her performance “A Body Called Paula”.
Featuring Ana Vivoda (Croatia), Anatolijs Šandurovs (Latvia), Antonia-Styliani Taralli (Greece), Caterina De Nisco and Michele Bernardini (Italy), Martyna Rzepecka and Łukasz Koniuszy (Poland), Lilli-Krõõt Repnau (Estonia), Sioban Piercy (Ireland), and Sirkku Ketola (Finland).
Photos by Pāvels Terentjevs